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If you love childen and you ever wondered what you could do to help them, this is your opportunity.

Just send us your information and we will put you on  our database of our volunteers. Soon, you will be having fun at one of our many fun and exciting events!



As a student, it’s easy to get caught up in your own life, between studies, your scholarship search, extracurricular activities and, of course, your avid social life.

Hi Kid Foundation allows you to share your time working with at our events. We will sure find one that will be the right fit for you!


A unique and life changing experience! Sponsoring a child is the most rewarding experience you could have. Once a year, our children visit Orlando, here they are all assigned a generous "Godfather or Grandmother" for a day.  Through this program, you will be able to meet your child and spend a day of learning and fun.  Shop until you drop!  Connect with your child through Facebook and be part of this exciting and rewarding experience.


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