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2014 Hispanic Business & Consumer Expo 
April 11 - April 13, 2014​
Orlando, FL

​​Over 200 exhibitors attend the Hispanic Business & Consumer Expo every year.  And this year it was not any different.  Hundreds of sponsors, once again, were part of this important event. Consumers also were present to enjoy all of the different activities and educational seminars.

With a variety of stages, products demonstrations, health screenings, childrens' expo interactive stage and more, the event was a great venue for Hi Kid Foundation to interact with local Orlando residents, sponsors and volunteers. They were able to meet the committee of Hi Kid Foundation in person and  they learned about our social efforts and annual events.

Volunteers, sponsors, supporters, families and children were able to get their pictures taken with some of our fun and friendly animal characters from Hi Kid Foundation and they also registered as volunteers to become part of our great team!



2013 Christmas Fair and Market
December 22, 2013
Orlando Fl


​Held on December 22, 2013 in Orlando, FL and with the support of our friends from Avila Town Grill Restaurant, this succesful event gathered hundreds of local residents during the enchanting Festive Holiday Season.

The atmosphere was filled with joy, music and happiness. Some the items available for purchase were very unique. Local craftwork of real quality, all kinds of Christmas merchandise and gifts and things such as organic pastries and food, figurines, toys, wood carvings and more made this Christmas Fair a one of a kind event for Hi Kid Foundation.

Tradional Venezuelan Christmas music called "Gaitas" was the highlight of the event, performed by a local and well known Latin Band, Grupo K-nela.

Hi Kid Foundation & FFCO
Thanksgiving Meals for the Homeless

November 2013
Orlando, FL



Hi Kid Foundation & FFCO decided to join forces to celebrate a Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner Fest for the Homeless in Orlando. We were very fortunate to be part of this group of volunteers, who had access to lend a hand to help others in need.

This was an unforgettable and memorable experience. Thanks Gloria Puerto from FFCO Fundation for being the our leader and for speerheading this wonderful experience.

Many volunteers, including members of Hi Kid Foundation's commitee, donated all the food and drink served, including their help to assist with the set up and preparations and to help feed those less fortunate during this time of the year.  God bless all of you!

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